GEDALU system

Screen printing production of multicolored aluminum anodized signs in series production (aluminum anodized vacuum).

Why open-pored GEADALU panels?

Because the anodized pores are protected with a liquid protective layer (no loss of material due to closed pores). Plates can be touched without gloves (protective layer prevents fingerprints and thus material waste). Thanks to the special drying process during production, there are no rinse stains on the surface (no loss of material due to cloud formation during printing).

Home » GEDALU Eloxal screen printing

GEDALU screen printing panels / GEDALU aluminum signs

Instructions for screen printing with the GEDALU system

Gedalu Siebruck

1. Screen printing:
We recommend using a commercially available photo layer on a 120 stencil, as well as a well-sanded natural rubber squeegee. If necessary, dilute screen printing ink with GEDA thinner ready for printing. If possible, flood once and then print twice.

Gedalu Trocknen

2. Drying
The drying time is at least 2 hours at room temperature. If a drying channel or similar is available: Dry at room temperature for 1 hour, then place in the drying channel. Eloxal pores need this time to be able to soak up color.

Gedalu Verdichten

3. Sealing
The plate is immersed in boiling water (at least 95-98º C for 40 minutes) to compact in the sealing bath. This process completely protects the color in the closing pores of the aluminum. The GEDALU board is characterized by scratch resistance and solvent resistance.

Gedalu Endreinigung

4. Final cleaning
Final cleaning with Nitro or the environmentally friendly GEDA-Clean.

Schema Beispiel Eloxal-Unterdruck

5. GEDALU anodized quality – structure
The color is now hermetically sealed in the aluminum oxide layer and is therefore already weather-resistant, solvent-resistant, scratch-resistant, graffiti-proof and temperature-resistant.